Top "Splinter" questions

Splinter is an open source tool for testing web applications using Python

Can not click on a Element: ElementClickInterceptedException in Splinter / Selenium

I'm trying to scrape a page, but I sometimes have trouble clicking a link/button. When the web page loads, …

python selenium webdriverwait splinter expected-condition
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec. ImportError: No module named 'encodings'

I am trying to make simple python program that is opening list of webpages for a user to manually download …

python encoding exe splinter
Python + Browser with Mac: Error - 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH

I did the following but came across the error: selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in …

python macos browser splinter
Filling a password form with Splinter

I'm trying to fill two forms and login to my banks website. I can get the first form for the …

python forms passwords webdriver splinter
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: session not created exception

I am trying to use splinter on my mac version 10.12.4 and for that selenium is necessery , I installed everything properly …

python python-3.x selenium selenium-webdriver splinter
Getting "Exception UnexpectedAlertPresentException: Alert Text: None" and then "Exception NoAlertPresent" when I try to handle that alert

We're doing automation scripts using the following: behave==1.2.5 splinter==0.7.7 firefox headless browser When navigating to a specific page, we're executing …

python browser-automation splinter python-behave
Selenium Python Headless Webdriver (PhantomJS) Not Working

So I'm having trouble getting selenium to work with a headless driver, specifically PhantomJS. I'm trying to get it to …

python linux selenium phantomjs splinter
How to find element value using Splinter?

I have following piece of html: <p class="attrs"><span>foo:</span> <strong&…

python dom web-scraping screen-scraping splinter