Top "Upx" questions

UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) is a executable packer that is used to compress executable files.

How to detect what was the PE packer used on the given exe?

I've found an application which seems to be packed. I opened it with some hex editor and it contains "UPX1" …

winapi exe upx
Are there any downsides to using UPX to compress a Windows executable?

I've used UPX before to reduce the size of my Windows executables, but I must admit that I am naive …

c++ delphi winapi compression upx
UPX NotCompressibleException

I recently do some study about executable compression. When compile the test.c C language source and compress it with …

Installing upx with Mac Big Sur

I'm having trouble installing upx. The following are the steps that I took. My macOs is 11.2.1 % ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL …

macos homebrew upx