Top "Ehcache" questions

Ehcache is an open source, standards compliant Java-based cache used to boost performance, offload the database and simplify scalability.

Spring boot caching in @Service class does not work

I have problems with save some values in @Service method. My code: @Service(value = "SettingsService") public class SettingsService { ... public String …

caching spring-boot ehcache
Is there any way to configure Amazon EC2 instances to support multicast discovery needed for EhCache

Is there any way to configure Amazon EC2 instances to support multicast needed for EhCache auto-discovery? (through iptables hacks etc)/

amazon-ec2 ehcache multicast
How to set the name of the net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager for JMX monitoring?

I am using EhCache 1.4.0, Spring 3.0.5 in a web application deployed on Tomcat 6 using JRE 1.6. I am exposing via JMX the …

java spring jmx ehcache mbeans
Using ehcache 3 with Spring Annotations (not using Spring Boot)

I'm trying to get Ehcache 3 working with Spring 4 without using Spring boot. Here is a working example out there which …

spring spring-boot ehcache spring-4 jsr107
EhCache : Why my diskStore path directory is not created?

I am working with ehcache. I am caching Spring @Service method : @Service( value = "dataServicesManager" ) @Transactional public class DataServicesManager implements IDataServicesManager{ @…

java spring caching ehcache spring-cache
EhCache key type

In EhCache, when adding an element to the cache : cache.put(new Element("key1", "value1")); // Element constructors : Element(Object key, …

java ehcache
Any Java caches that can limit memory usage of in-memory cache, not just instance count?

I am looking for a simple in-memory (and in-process) cache for short-term caching of query data (but short-term meaning beyond …

java caching memory-management ehcache
EHCache 3.5 Get All Cache Keys / Entries

I'm using EHCache 3.5.2 and having trouble getting all cache keys and cache entries. I am using the CacheManager to create …

java ehcache ehcache-3
Externarlize ehcache.xml to use properties from external properties file

I want to place property place holders in the ehcache.xml file (like ${}) so that the values can be replaced …

java spring hibernate ehcache second-level-cache
EhCache 3 and Spring Boot

Is there a way to abstract the EhCache 3 CacheManager (org.ehcache.CacheManager) to Spring's CacheManager (org.springframework.cache.CacheManager)? With …

java spring-boot ehcache ehcache-3 cachemanager