Ehcache is an open source, standards compliant Java-based cache used to boost performance, offload the database and simplify scalability.
I have the following setup 1.liferay cluster with 2 machines on AWS 2.unicast clustering replication with JGroups over tcp I have …
cluster-computing replication liferay-6 ehcache jgroupsI have this Ehcache XML configuration: <ehcache> <defaultCache maxElementsInMemory="10000" eternal="false" timeToIdleSeconds="120" timeToLiveSeconds="120" overflowToDisk="false" diskSpoolBufferSizeMB="30" diskPersistent="…
java hibernate logging configuration ehcacheThe Ehcache docs ( describe maxEntriesLocalHeap as: The maximum number of cache entries …
spring caching ehcacheI'm considering to use to implement a cache either JBoss Cache or Ehcache. After looking at both APIs I has …
java performance ehcache jboss-cacheI've looked everywhere online for a simple answer to the above question, and just can't find it. I have a …
java spring ehcacheIm helper method use ehcache, to reduce queries to Db. Now want to implement JUnit+Mockito test to ensure that …
java mockito ehcache springmockitoHibernate 3.3.x, ehcache 2.2.x The following error occurs, when I try to publish a lots of users in a single …
hibernate caching jpa ehcache second-level-cacheI tried to use EhCache 3.5 caching features in our web application based on Spring Boot 2/Spring Framework 5. I added EHCache …
spring spring-mvc ehcache ehcache-3