Top "Second-level-cache" questions

Second-level-cache, as the name implies, is a layer of cache that lives between a "primary" cache and a data service/store (relational database, in most cases) to optimize read operations on the service/store.

Spring Boot + JPA2 + Hibernate - enable second level cache

I'm using Spring Boot 1.2.5 with JPA2 to annotate entities (and hibernate as underlaying JPA implementation). I wanted to use second …

hibernate spring-boot jpa-2.0 second-level-cache
When and how to use hibernate second level cache?

I have trouble understanding when hibernate hits the second level cache and when does it invalidate the cache. This is …

java hibernate caching second-level-cache
Hibernate cache strategy

How do I decide which CacheConcurrencyStrategy to use? NonstrictReadWriteCache, ReadOnlyCache, ReadWriteCache, TransactionalCache. I read…

java hibernate orm ehcache second-level-cache
How to configure second level cache in Hibernate 4.1.5 SP1?

I have read other threads on here about this subject but none of the solutions work for me. I tried …

hibernate second-level-cache hibernate-4.x
Are entities cached in jpa by default?

I add entity to my database and it works fine. But when i retrieve the List, i get the old …

java jpa second-level-cache toplink-essentials
How to configure JPA 2.0 with Hibernate 3.5.2 to use EHCache as a Level 2 cache and query cache?

I found some instructions how to configure pure hibernate to use EHCache. But I can't find any instructions how to …

hibernate orm ehcache jpa-2.0 second-level-cache
Hibernate 2nd level cache invalidation when another process modifies the database

We have an application that uses Hibernate's 2nd level caching to avoid database hits. I was wondering if there is …

database hibernate transactions ehcache second-level-cache
How to configure second level cache in Hibernate 4.3

I have read post related with this but not get any answer working for me. I am configuring second level …

java hibernate second-level-cache
EhCache + Hibernate Cache is not alive

After configuring EhCache v2.4.5 as the second level cache for hibernate v3.6.7 I get the following error while trying to …

hibernate caching ehcache second-level-cache
EHCache Configuration + Spring Boot: NoCacheRegionFactoryAvailableException

I'm trying to configure Spring Boot application with second level cache based on EHCache. I'm getting this exception: Exception in …

hibernate spring-mvc spring-boot ehcache second-level-cache