Top "Second-level-cache" questions

Second-level-cache, as the name implies, is a layer of cache that lives between a "primary" cache and a data service/store (relational database, in most cases) to optimize read operations on the service/store.

How do I access Hibernate statistics from an entitymanager?

I'm using Spring 3.1.1.RELEASE, JUnit 4.8.1, and Hibernate 4.1.5.Final. I'm trying to test whether my second level cache is configured correctly, …

spring hibernate junit second-level-cache sessionfactory
Doctrine Second Level Cache w/ Redis

after investing a few days now in figuring out why my second level cache config for doctrine is not working, …

symfony caching doctrine-orm redis second-level-cache
How to use second level cache for lazy loaded collections in Hibernate?

Let's say I have two entities, Employee and Skill. Every employee has a set of skills. Now when I load …

java hibernate orm lazy-loading second-level-cache
Externarlize ehcache.xml to use properties from external properties file

I want to place property place holders in the ehcache.xml file (like ${}) so that the values can be replaced …

java spring hibernate ehcache second-level-cache
Ehcache integration with Hibernate & Spring Exception: Second-level cache is not enabled for usage

I'm using Spring 3.1 with Hibernate 4. While using Ehcache with Hibernate, getting an error like this: Second-level cache is not enabled …

spring hibernate ehcache second-level-cache
Hibernate 2nd Level caching doesnt seem to be working

Im currently trying to get hibernate working using the caching provider that comes with hibernate. net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.SingletonEhCacheProvider …

java hibernate orm caching second-level-cache
How to clear the entire second level cache in NHibernate

I wish to clear the entire second level cache in NHibernate via code. Is there a way to do this …

nhibernate memcached second-level-cache syscache2
Problems with: A soft-locked cache entry was expired by the underlying Ehcache

I'm getting following warning and I have no idea what to do about it. There is about 80000 entries that write …

java hibernate caching ehcache second-level-cache
Why use your application-level cache if database already provides caching?

Modern database provide caching support. Most of the ORM frameworks cache retrieved data too. Why this duplication is necessary?

java database hibernate caching second-level-cache