Top "Toplink-essentials" questions

The Java Persistence API Implementation at GlassFish

Setting a parameter as a list for an IN expression

Whenever I try to set a list as a parameter for use in an IN expression I get an Illegal …

java jpa glassfish jpql toplink-essentials
Why JPA persist() does not generated auto-increment primary ID?

I'm using JPA toplink-essential and SQL Server 2008 My goal is to get auto-increment primary key value of the data that …

java jpa toplink-essentials
Are entities cached in jpa by default?

I add entity to my database and it works fine. But when i retrieve the List, i get the old …

java jpa second-level-cache toplink-essentials
How to reestablish a JDBC connection after a timeout?

I have a long-running method which executes a large number of native SQL queries through the EntityManager (TopLink Essentials). Each …

java oracle jdbc toplink-essentials
JPA Self Join using JoinTable

I have 1 entity call Item in which I want to be able to link parent items to children. to use …

spring jpa jpa-2.0 dao toplink-essentials
JPA - saving changes without persist() invoked

We are using Toplink implementation of JPA + Spring + EJB. In one of our EJBs we have something like this: public …

jpa toplink-essentials persist
The @JoinColumns on the annotated element [...] from the entity class [...] is incomplete

I make use of: NetBeans IDE 6.7.1, GlassFish v2.1, Oracle 10g XE, JAVA 6 SE, JAVA 5 EE. I have problem with an @…

java orm jpa toplink-essentials