Ehcache is an open source, standards compliant Java-based cache used to boost performance, offload the database and simplify scalability.
I'm using Spring 3.1 with Hibernate 4. While using Ehcache with Hibernate, getting an error like this: Second-level cache is not enabled …
spring hibernate ehcache second-level-cacheI've been struggling to get ehcache 2.1.0 in my environment. Anytime I thought I got it right, it's just not downloading …
maven-2 ehcache sonatypeI'm getting following warning and I have no idea what to do about it. There is about 80000 entries that write …
java hibernate caching ehcache second-level-cacheI'm using Hibernate 5.1.0.Final with ehcache and Spring 3.2.11.RELEASE. I have the following @Cacheable annotation set up in one of …
java spring hibernate ehcache lazy-initializationI am using ehcache with terracotta in my application. My response time increased by 700 folds when i am using ehcache …
ehcache terracottaWhat is the real difference between nonstrict-read-write and read-write? I can read ehcache and Hibernate docs, but as far as …
java hibernate ehcache distributed-cachingI am putting together a regular Java EE application on jboss7 that will use JPA in the data tier. I …
caching jakarta-ee jpa memcached ehcacheSo in EhCache we have three major classes: Cache, CacheManager, and Store Under a replicated setup, which of these is …
java caching ehcache distributed-cachingI want use second level cache in my hibernate Project but I just know a little about hibernate second level …
hibernate caching ehcache second-level-cache hibernate.cfg.xml