Top "Ehcache" questions

Ehcache is an open source, standards compliant Java-based cache used to boost performance, offload the database and simplify scalability.

Spring data JPA with Hibernate and Ehcache not working

I'm working on an application using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate and I'm trying to enable second level cache using …

spring hibernate jpa ehcache querydsl
Ehcache integration with Hibernate & Spring Exception: Second-level cache is not enabled for usage

I'm using Spring 3.1 with Hibernate 4. While using Ehcache with Hibernate, getting an error like this: Second-level cache is not enabled …

spring hibernate ehcache second-level-cache
where is the correct and recent ehcache maven repository

I've been struggling to get ehcache 2.1.0 in my environment. Anytime I thought I got it right, it's just not downloading …

maven-2 ehcache sonatype
Problems with: A soft-locked cache entry was expired by the underlying Ehcache

I'm getting following warning and I have no idea what to do about it. There is about 80000 entries that write …

java hibernate caching ehcache second-level-cache
Getting "org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException" exceptions after retrieving items from my second-level ehcache

I'm using Hibernate 5.1.0.Final with ehcache and Spring 3.2.11.RELEASE. I have the following @Cacheable annotation set up in one of …

java spring hibernate ehcache lazy-initialization
IgnoreSizeOf annotation when using ehcache with terracotta

I am using ehcache with terracotta in my application. My response time increased by 700 folds when i am using ehcache …

ehcache terracotta
Clustered hibernate cache with ehcache: nonstrict vs. strict read write

What is the real difference between nonstrict-read-write and read-write? I can read ehcache and Hibernate docs, but as far as …

java hibernate ehcache distributed-caching
Scaling and Clustering JPA

I am putting together a regular Java EE application on jboss7 that will use JPA in the data tier. I …

caching jakarta-ee jpa memcached ehcache
EhCache: Replicated vs Distributed Cache Configuration

So in EhCache we have three major classes: Cache, CacheManager, and Store Under a replicated setup, which of these is …

java caching ehcache distributed-caching
Hibernate Second level Cache <<net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider>>

I want use second level cache in my hibernate Project but I just know a little about hibernate second level …

hibernate caching ehcache second-level-cache hibernate.cfg.xml