Top "Ehcache" questions

Ehcache is an open source, standards compliant Java-based cache used to boost performance, offload the database and simplify scalability.

EHCache refresh

In EHCache, is there a way to implement some kind of a db listener where the cahce will auto update …

java ehcache
Hibernate 2nd level cache invalidation when another process modifies the database

We have an application that uses Hibernate's 2nd level caching to avoid database hits. I was wondering if there is …

database hibernate transactions ehcache second-level-cache
EHCache how to check if something is in the cache or not?

Is there a way of checking if an object is inside an EHCache managed cache? The challenge I face is …

java spring caching ehcache
How should I use @CachePut and @CacheEvict annotations with ehCache (ehCache 2.4.4, Spring 3.1.1)

I tried some new Spring features and I found out that @CachePut and @CacheEvict annotations has no effect. May be …

spring ehcache
Is it possible to implement distributed caching using of Ehcache without Terracotta Enterprise Suite?

I try to find how to implement distributed caching for applications. Ehcache already used for caching in my project, that's …

java ehcache distributed-caching
Unable to resolve name [org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.EhCacheRegionFactory] as strategy [org.hibernate.cache.spi.RegionFactory]

I was trying to upgrade my Spring and Hibernate version. I was using hibernate 3 and now I have upgraded to …

hibernate caching ehcache
Spring 3.2 and Cache Abstraction missing EhCache implementation

I am migrating our code to Spring 3.2 version (from 3.1.3) and I've got an issue with Spring Cache Abstraction. We use …

spring ehcache
guava cache vs ehcache benchmark

I'm trying to decide which of these two to use in my project: guava cache or ehcache. Looking for a …

java benchmarking guava ehcache
How update/remove an item already cached within a collection of items

I am working with Spring and EhCache I have the following method @Override @Cacheable(value="products", key="") …

spring caching ehcache spring-3 spring-cache
What is the best way of defining key for @Cacheable annotation for Spring

If I am defining a ehcache for a method which doesn't have any parameter. But in my use case I …

java spring ehcache spelevaluationexception