Top "Spelevaluationexception" questions

Unable to validate role in Spring Security for url pattern

I am using spring security 3.1.7.RELEASE with spring 3.2.13.RELEASE. I have entry in my spring-security.xml as follows: <http …

spring spring-mvc spring-security spelevaluationexception
SpelEvaluationException: EL1007E:(pos 43): Field or property 'group' cannot be found on null

I have SPRING METHOD security fully configured for my web application. (with PRE/POST annotations enabled). However recently I encountered …

java spring spring-security spring-el spelevaluationexception
@Cacheble annotation on no parameter method

I want to have @Cacheable annotation on method with no parameter. In that case, I use @Cacheable as follows @Cacheable(…

spring ehcache spelevaluationexception
What is the best way of defining key for @Cacheable annotation for Spring

If I am defining a ehcache for a method which doesn't have any parameter. But in my use case I …

java spring ehcache spelevaluationexception
org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException - Property or field cannot be found on null

I'm using thymeleaf together with spring and there's an error when parsing the following html segment <tbody> <…

spring thymeleaf spelevaluationexception