Top "Jspx" questions

Jspx is a free open source pure Java web Rapid Application Development framework

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener

I am working on learning Java, Spring MVC and Eclipse. I am working through a book right now and trying …

java spring-mvc listener classnotfoundexception jspx
Script tags not rendered in JSP page (using Spring + Tiles + JSPX)

Everyone, I am facing a strange problem including script tags in a jsp page. Of the three script I include …

javascript spring tiles jspx
How to produce valid HTML with JSPX? (not XHTML)

When trying to create a HTML page with JSPX you will face the following difficulties: JSPX minimizes tags we don't …

jsp html jspx
websphere 7 (and Spring Roo) incompatible with javax.el.ELException

I have a application where the frontend is based on the Spring Roo 1.1.2 jspx files. Every think works fine in …

java spring-roo jspx websphere-7
Escape HTML entities in JSP / JSPX: no solution for problem that should not even exist?

We use jspx as template engine. We have dozen of screens with hundreds of el expressions like ${user.firstName} or "${…

jsp escaping jspx
How to write tagx (JSPX tag libraries without java)

I can't find good documentation on how to write modern tag libraries without Java in JSPX? Spring Roo provides lots …

java templates taglib jspx tagx