A few html tags interpret "any" value of a give attribute as "true" -> option tags come to mind.
I frequently end up doing something like this:
<c:when test="${isSelected}"/>
<option selected="true">Opt1</option>
I know I can declare a custom to encapslate this behaviour but that also gets pretty ugly, unless I code it in java.
Is there a smarter way to do this ?
One way to approach this would be to use custom tag(s).
I like the approach that the JSP2X converter takes, defining custom tags in your WEB-INF/tags folder that let you do this:
<jspx:element name="option">
<c:if test="${selected}">
<jspx:attribute name="selected">selected</jspx:attribute>
A more compact approach might be to create a custom tag specifically for an option that did the right thing, taking a boolean value for the selected attribute, emitting a selected="selected" attribute if it's true, not otherwise. This would be a bit more compact:
<jspx:option selected="${selected}">Opt1</option>