Top "Jgroups" questions

JGroups is a Java networking library that supports reliable group communication over UDP (IP Multicast) or TCP.

org.jgroups.protocols.UDP - failed sending message to null

[hannel,] 15:08:03,642 - ERROR - org.jgroups.protocols.UDP - failed sending message to null (61 bytes) java.lang.Exception: dest=/ (64 bytes) …

java networking jgroups
ehcache not replicating in liferay cluster

I have the following setup 1.liferay cluster with 2 machines on AWS 2.unicast clustering replication with JGroups over tcp I have …

cluster-computing replication liferay-6 ehcache jgroups
Alternatives to JGroups

I want to create a distributed applications on JVM which has a number of nodes, and need a library which …

akka distributed-computing jgroups akka-cluster
JBoss 4.2.2 nodes start to cluster then suspect each other

I have a website running with JBoss 4.2.2 on an existing Red Hat server. I'm setting up a second server so …

jboss cluster-computing jgroups