Top "Mbeans" questions

MBeans are JMX beans, NOT JSF/CDI/Spring/etc "managed beans". For that, use [managed-bean] tag instead.

JBoss AS 7 JMX Console

I spent some time checking out JBoss AS7 today. I am impressed with what I have seen so far but …

java jboss jmx mbeans jboss7.x
Accessing a remote MBean server

I am running a client/server application using JBoss. How can I connect to the server JVM's MBeanServer? I want …

java jboss jmx mbeans
How to programmatically check JMX MBean operations and attributes?

Suppose we have a MBean that has the following attributes and operations. Attributes: name size Operations: getName() getSize() Is there …

java jmx websphere-7 mbeans
How to add a file to EAR META-INF folder - Maven

I want to move a startup MBEAN file (startup-client-service.xml) from my EJB >META-INF, to EAR> META-INF folder. …

java maven jboss ear mbeans
The JNDI lookup for the JTA UserTransaction is not available to MBean threads in Websphere Application Server 7

I'm trying to invoke business logic via JMX (using 'standard' MBeans) in a web application in Websphere Application Server 7 with …

jmx jta websphere-7 mbeans
Difference between MBean and MXBean

I have the following questions regarding MBean and MXBean: What is the difference between MBean and MXBean? What are the …

java jmx mbeans
JBoss SAR vs EAR/WAR packaging

When would I choose to deploy as a JBoss SAR instead of an EAR? This is more of a general …

java jboss jmx mbeans sar
Creating MBean in Java

I am trying to make a class implement an MBean Interface so I can interrogate the properties at runtime. The …

java jmx mbeans
Mbeans registered to mbean server not showing up in jconsole

I create a mbean server using MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer and register mbeans with it. I can find the mbean server in …

java jmx mbeans
Automatically starting a JBoss service (MBean)

I'm trying to build a JBoss service that should be started automatically, each time the server is initiated. I've got …

java jboss service jakarta-ee mbeans