How to add a file to EAR META-INF folder - Maven

user2771655 picture user2771655 · Apr 12, 2014 · Viewed 20.9k times · Source

I want to move a startup MBEAN file (startup-client-service.xml) from my EJB >META-INF, to EAR> META-INF folder. I tried with the maven-resources-plugin plugin but it just copy the file from EJB >META-INF to Target in ear folder. But in built ear the startup-client-service.xml file is not available in META-INF

How can I move my startup file to META-INF into ear > META-INF ?

This is the pom file of ear.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


<name>Test app EAR</name>




                            <id>Copying bundle to destination folder</id>
                                        overwrite="true" todir="${install.dir}" />

Below is the project workspace screen grab

Here is the project structure


Constantino Cronemberger picture Constantino Cronemberger · Aug 11, 2014

The correct way is to add files to src/main/application instead of src/main/resources. You can also specify a different earSourceDirectory configuration.