Top "Delaunay" questions

A *Delaunay* triangulation is a triangulation such that no vertex of the triangulation is inside the interior of the circumcircle of any triangle of the triangulation.

Mesh generation from points with x, y and z coordinates

Problem: Mesh generation from 3D points (with x, y and z coordinates). What I have is points in 3D space (…

algorithm geometry 3d delaunay
Efficient Delaunay triangulation

I'm looking for a .NET implementation which builds Delaunay triangulation from set of points. I have already tested couple of …

c# .net triangulation delaunay
How do I derive a Voronoi diagram given its point set and its Delaunay triangulation?

I'm working on a game where I create a random map of provinces (a la Risk or Diplomacy). To create …

geometry computational-geometry voronoi delaunay
Return surface triangle of 3D scipy.spatial.Delaunay

I have this problem. I try to triangulate points cloud by scipy.spatial.Delaunay. I used: tri = Delaunay(points) # points: …

python scipy cloud points delaunay
Python: Calculate Voronoi Tesselation from Scipy's Delaunay Triangulation in 3D

I have about 50,000 data points in 3D on which I have run scipy.spatial.Delaunay from the new scipy (I'm …

python 3d scipy delaunay voronoi
MATLAB: Creating surface from point cloud with Delaunay

In MATLAB, I load the following point cloud: load tetmesh This loads X and tet into the workspace. I thus …

matlab triangulation delaunay
Python convex hull with scipy.spatial.Delaunay, how to eleminate points inside the hull?

I have a list of 3D points in a np.array called pointsList, values are float : [[1., 2., 10.], [2., 0., 1.], [3., 6., 9.], [1., 1., 1.], [2., 2., 2.], [10., 0., 10.], [0., 10., 5.], ... etc. This code makes …

python numpy scipy convex-hull delaunay
How do I convert a 3D point cloud (.ply) into a mesh (with faces and vertices)?

I have a 3-D point cloud file with 1 million points that I need to convert into a mesh file in …

python mesh point-clouds delaunay trimesh
How to find all neighbors of a given point in a delaunay triangulation using scipy.spatial.Delaunay?

I have been searching for an answer to this question but cannot find anything useful. I am working with the …

python numpy scipy triangulation delaunay
Finding near neighbors

I need to find "near" neighbors among a set of points. There are 10 points in the above image. Red lines …

matlab computational-geometry nearest-neighbor delaunay voronoi