Top "Delaunay" questions

A *Delaunay* triangulation is a triangulation such that no vertex of the triangulation is inside the interior of the circumcircle of any triangle of the triangulation.

How does this code for delaunay triangulation work?

I have this Java code that with a set of Point in input return a set of graph's edge that …

java triangulation delaunay
Calculate bounding polygon of alpha shape from the Delaunay triangulation

Given a set of points in the plane, a notion of alpha-shape, for a given positive number alpha, is defined …

algorithm d3.js geometry computational-geometry delaunay
python scipy Delaunay plotting point cloud

I have a pointlist=[p1,p2,p3...] where p1 = [x1,y1],p2=[x2,y2] ... I want to use scipy.spatial.…

python scipy triangulation delaunay
Is there C++ API for Delaunay triangulation in OpenCV?

I'm trying to implement one of active appearance models (AMM) and on one of the steps I need to get …

c++ opencv triangulation delaunay
Delaunay triangulating the 2d polygon with holes

I want to triangulate the complex (but not self-intersecting) polygon with holes, so that resulting triangles all lay inside the …

java algorithm geometry delaunay medial-axis
Polygon Triangulation c#

I need to calculate triangles of a polygon. Polygon can contain holes. And Req an efficient way. So I think …

c# polygon triangulation delaunay
How do I iterate over faces in CGAL

I am trying to use CGAL to do some Delaunay triangulation. I used one of the CGAL samples to compute …

c++ computational-geometry triangulation cgal delaunay