Top "Point-clouds" questions

A point cloud is a set of vertices in three-dimensional space, and is commonly the data set output by 3D scanners.

Python - Display 3D Point Cloud

I have a .PLY file that contains a 3D Point Cloud: I want to plot it and visualize it in …

python 3d point-cloud-library point-clouds ply
Python, negative numbers string to float

This is a very simple issue but I am making it needlessly complex and continue to hit road blocks. I …

python python-2.7 point-clouds blender-2.67
Generating point cloud from many 2d images

From my, somewhat limited, understanding of how point clouds work I feel that one should be able to generate a …

3d point-cloud-library point-clouds
Can I generate Point Cloud from mesh?

I'm trying to generate point cloud data from mesh such as (.obj) file of Maya. But, I could find out …

3d mesh maya point-clouds meshlab
Point cloud XYZ format specification

Is there an official specification for the XYZ format for point clouds? I've been searching all over and I didn't …

3d format point point-clouds
Plane fitting in a 3d point cloud

I am trying to find planes in a 3d point cloud, using the regression formula Z= aX + bY +C I …

python 3d geometry computer-vision point-clouds
PCL: Visualize a point cloud

I'm trying to visualize a point cloud using PCL CloudViewer. The problem is that I'm quite new to C++ and …

c++ point-cloud-library point-clouds
How to read .ply file using PCL

I can read .pcd data using this program. #include <iostream> #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h> #…

c++ point-cloud-library point-clouds
How to display a point cloud with openGL

I'm trying to display a point cloud with OpenGL. I have followed some tutorials and I managed to display some …

c++ opengl point-clouds
ROS RVIZ: How to visualize a point cloud that doesn't have a fixed frame transform

I was following the ROS official documentation on how to publish a point cloud and I was able to successfully …

c++ transform visualization ros point-clouds