Top "Deep-learning" questions

Deep Learning is an area of machine learning whose goal is to learn complex functions using special neural network architectures that are "deep" (consist of many layers).

How does keras define "accuracy" and "loss"?

I can't find how Keras defines "accuracy" and "loss". I know I can specify different metrics (e.g. mse, cross …

python tensorflow machine-learning deep-learning keras
Keras - Difference between categorical_accuracy and sparse_categorical_accuracy

What is the difference between categorical_accuracy and sparse_categorical_accuracy in Keras? There is no hint in the documentation …

python keras deep-learning neural-network classification
Cross Entropy in PyTorch

I'm a bit confused by the cross entropy loss in PyTorch. Considering this example: import torch import torch.nn as …

machine-learning deep-learning pytorch entropy loss
What is the use of train_on_batch() in keras?

How train_on_batch() is different from fit()? What are the cases when we should use train_on_batch()?

machine-learning deep-learning keras
Batch Normalization in Convolutional Neural Network

I am newbie in convolutional neural networks and just have idea about feature maps and how convolution is done on …

machine-learning computer-vision deep-learning conv-neural-network batch-normalization
2-D convolution as a matrix-matrix multiplication

I know that, in the 1D case, the convolution between two vectors, a and b, can be computed as conv(…

neural-network deep-learning conv-neural-network matrix-multiplication convolution
What is the intuition of using tanh in LSTM

In LSTM Network (Understanding LSTMs), Why input gate and output gate use tanh? what is the intuition behind this? it …

machine-learning deep-learning lstm recurrent-neural-network activation-function
What is a batch in TensorFlow?

The introductory documentation, which I am reading (TOC here) uses the term "batch" (for instance here) without having defined it.

tensorflow machine-learning neural-network deep-learning tensor
What is the role of TimeDistributed layer in Keras?

I am trying to grasp what TimeDistributed wrapper does in Keras. I get that TimeDistributed "applies a layer to every …

python machine-learning keras neural-network deep-learning
How to suppress verbose Tensorflow logging?

I'm unittesting my Tensorflow code with nosetests but it produces such amount of verbose output that makes it useless. The …

tensorflow deep-learning nose