Top "Deep-learning" questions

Deep Learning is an area of machine learning whose goal is to learn complex functions using special neural network architectures that are "deep" (consist of many layers).

Check the total number of parameters in a PyTorch model

How to count the total number of parameters in a PyTorch model? Something similar to model.count_params() in Keras.

deep-learning pytorch
CBOW v.s. skip-gram: why invert context and target words?

In this page, it is said that: [...] skip-gram inverts contexts and targets, and tries to predict each context word from …

nlp tensorflow deep-learning word2vec word-embedding
Tensorflow model for OCR

I am new in Tensorflow and I am trying to build model which will be able to perform OCR on …

python tensorflow deep-learning mnist
Calculate the Output size in Convolution layer

What will be the output size, if the input to convolution layer of neural network is an image of size 128…

python machine-learning deep-learning conv-neural-network
What is `weight_decay` meta parameter in Caffe?

Looking at an example 'solver.prototxt', posted on BVLC/caffe git, there is a training meta parameter weight_decay: 0.04 What …

machine-learning neural-network deep-learning caffe gradient-descent
What is `lr_policy` in Caffe?

I just try to find out how I can use Caffe. To do so, I just took a look at …

machine-learning neural-network deep-learning caffe gradient-descent
Gradient Descent vs Adagrad vs Momentum in TensorFlow

I'm studying TensorFlow and how to use it, even if I'm not an expert of neural networks and deep learning (…

tensorflow deep-learning
How to append data to one specific dataset in a hdf5 file with h5py

I am looking for a possibility to append data to an existing dataset inside a .h5 file using Python (h5…

python numpy deep-learning hdf5 h5py
Implementing contrastive loss and triplet loss in Tensorflow

I started to play with TensorFlow two days ago and I'm wondering if there is the triplet and the contrastive …

tensorflow deep-learning
How to calculate optimal batch size

Sometimes I run into a problem: OOM when allocating tensor with shape e.q. OOM when allocating tensor with shape (1024, 100, 160) …

machine-learning neural-network deep-learning keras gradient-descent