Top "Deep-learning" questions

Deep Learning is an area of machine learning whose goal is to learn complex functions using special neural network architectures that are "deep" (consist of many layers).

Why do we need to call zero_grad() in PyTorch?

The method zero_grad() needs to be called during training. But the documentation is not very helpful | zero_grad(self) | …

python neural-network deep-learning pytorch gradient-descent
What does tf.nn.embedding_lookup function do?

tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params, ids, partition_strategy='mod', name=None) I cannot understand the duty of this function. Is …

python tensorflow deep-learning word-embedding natural-language-processing
How do I get the weights of a layer in Keras?

I am using Windows 10, Python 3.5, and tensorflow 1.1.0. I have the following script: import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.contrib.keras.…

python tensorflow deep-learning keras keras-layer
How to fix RuntimeError "Expected object of scalar type Float but got scalar type Double for argument"?

I'm trying to train a classifier via PyTorch. However, I am experiencing problems with training when I feed the model …

python neural-network deep-learning classification pytorch
PyTorch - contiguous()

I was going through this example of a LSTM language model on github (link). What it does in general is …

neural-network deep-learning lstm pytorch contiguous
TensorFlow: Max of a tensor along an axis

My question is in two connected parts: How do I calculate the max along a certain axis of a tensor? …

python tensorflow deep-learning max tensor
Using a pre-trained word embedding (word2vec or Glove) in TensorFlow

I've recently reviewed an interesting implementation for convolutional text classification. However all TensorFlow code I've reviewed uses a random (not …

python numpy tensorflow deep-learning
Understanding Keras LSTMs

I am trying to reconcile my understand of LSTMs and pointed out here in this post by Christopher Olah implemented …

python deep-learning keras lstm
Neural network always predicts the same class

I'm trying to implement a neural network that classifies images into one of the two discrete categories. The problem is, …

python-3.x numpy neural-network deep-learning gradient-descent
Custom loss function in Keras

I'm working on a image class-incremental classifier approach using a CNN as a feature extractor and a fully-connected block for …

python tensorflow keras deep-learning computer-vision