Top "Deep-learning" questions

Deep Learning is an area of machine learning whose goal is to learn complex functions using special neural network architectures that are "deep" (consist of many layers).

Update TensorFlow

I'm working with Ubuntu 14.04 , I had a TensorFlow V0.10 but I want to update this version. if i do: $ pip …

python tensorflow deep-learning upgrade
Error when checking model input: expected convolution2d_input_1 to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (32, 32, 3)

I want to train a deep network starting with the following layer: model = Sequential() model.add(Conv2D(32, 3, 3, input_shape=(32, 32, 3))) …

deep-learning keras keras-layer
What is the meaning of the word logits in TensorFlow?

In the following TensorFlow function, we must feed the activation of artificial neurons in the final layer. That I understand. …

tensorflow machine-learning neural-network deep-learning cross-entropy
What is the use of verbose in Keras while validating the model?

I'm running the LSTM model for the first time. Here is my model: opt = Adam(0.002) inp = Input(...) print(inp) x = …

python deep-learning keras verbose
How to get the dimensions of a tensor (in TensorFlow) at graph construction time?

I am trying an Op that is not behaving as expected. graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): train_dataset = …

python tensorflow deep-learning tensor
Pytorch reshape tensor dimension

For example, I have 1D vector with dimension (5). I would like to reshape it into 2D matrix (1,5). Here is how …

python numpy deep-learning pytorch tensor
How to import keras from tf.keras in Tensorflow?

import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow from tensorflow import keras from keras.layers import Dense I am getting the below …

python tensorflow deep-learning keras
TensorFlow ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (64, 64, 3) for Tensor u'Placeholder:0', which has shape '(?, 64, 64, 3)'

I am new to TensorFlow and machine learning. I am trying to classify two objects a cup and a pendrive (…

python numpy tensorflow deep-learning
How to return history of validation loss in Keras

Using Anaconda Python 2.7 Windows 10. I am training a language model using the Keras exmaple: print('Build model...') model = Sequential() …

python neural-network nlp deep-learning keras
What is the role of "Flatten" in Keras?

I am trying to understand the role of the Flatten function in Keras. Below is my code, which is a …

machine-learning tensorflow neural-network deep-learning keras