Top "Dealloc" questions

In Cocoa (and other frameworks that derive from NeXTSTEP), dealloc is the instance method responsible for tearing down an object.

Custom dealloc and ARC (Objective-C)

In my little iPad app I have a "switch language" function that uses an observer. Every view controller registers itself …

objective-c ios xcode dealloc automatic-ref-counting
dealloc in Swift

I would like to perform some cleanup at the end of a view controller's life, namely to remove an NSNotificationCenter …

swift dealloc
Vector as a class member

Hello I have this question: I would like to have a vector as class member. This is perhaps my question …

c++ vector dealloc aggregation
Force explicit deletion of a Java object

I'm working on a Java server that handles a LOT of very dense traffic. The server accepts packets from clients (…

java garbage-collection dealloc
Adding and removing observers to NSNotificationCenter in a UIViewController

Looking at various Apple examples (for example Add Music) in which I see they add observers to the default NSNotificationCenter …

objective-c ios dealloc nsnotificationcenter addobserver
The correct way to declare, alloc, load, and dealloc an NSMutableArray

I declare my array in my *.h file: @interface aViewController: UIViewController { NSMutableArray *anArray; // You will need to later change this …

objective-c iphone nsmutablearray dealloc
Printing Instance ID to NSLog?

In the dealloc method for a class how would I print out the ID (or some other unique identifier) for …

objective-c memory nslog dealloc
Dealloc method in iOS and setting objects to nil

I have a pretty basic question. In some examples I've seen, objects are just released in the dealloc method. In …

objective-c ios memory-management dealloc
UIViewController -dealloc method not called

I am working with Automatic Reference Counting. I have a custom UIViewController subclass and whenever I call -presentViewController: animated:completion: …

ios objective-c uiviewcontroller automatic-ref-counting dealloc
iPhone - dealloc - Release vs. nil

Wondering if someone with experience could possibly explain this a bit more. I have seen examples of... [view release]; view = …

iphone memory memory-management release-management dealloc