Top "Dealloc" questions

In Cocoa (and other frameworks that derive from NeXTSTEP), dealloc is the instance method responsible for tearing down an object.

key value observers were still registered with it when controller is deallocated

I added an observer in the code and then removed it in dealloc and viewWillDisappear but still i am getting …

ios objective-c memory key-value-observing dealloc
can we override alloc and dealloc in objective C?

I know that this is rarely required to override the alloc or dealloc methods,but if required is it possible …

objective-c ios overriding dealloc alloc
NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData does not work in Swift 3 iOS

When try to encode my custom object in iOS swift get this error from Xcode 8.3 unrecognized selector sent to instance 0…

ios swift encode dealloc nskeyedarchiver