Top "Dealloc" questions

In Cocoa (and other frameworks that derive from NeXTSTEP), dealloc is the instance method responsible for tearing down an object.

Initializing a property, dot notation

Is it a bad idea to use the dot notation to initialize retain properties to nil in my init methods? …

objective-c initialization properties dealloc reference-counting
iOS - viewController dealloc method not called after popping to previous viewController

In iOS, I pop from current viewController into previous one, but it doesn't go into dealloc. Is this because there …

ios lifecycle dealloc
Getting "deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it." errors after conversion to ARC

I am using this class: Since I converted to ARC, I get this error after …

ios cocoa-touch observer-pattern dealloc automatic-ref-counting
Who calls the dealloc method and when in Objective C?

When a custom class is created in Objective C, when and how is the dealloc method called? Is it something …

objective-c dealloc
UIPopoverController dealloc getting called—ARC environment

While displaying a popover controller for a second time (after dismissing it and then re-displaying it), I get the following …

ios memory-management uipopovercontroller dealloc automatic-ref-counting
-[CALayer release]: message sent to deallocated instance

I'm having a problem with some code in the loadView: method of one of my view controllers. Essentially I have …

iphone calayer dealloc nszombie
dismissViewControllerAnimated does not deallocate viewcontroller

First off: My project is ARC enabled and I'm using storyboard. I have a view controller that pushes a segue (…

ios objective-c storyboard automatic-ref-counting dealloc
Very strange behaviour of dealloc - not getting called

I have tested my all viewControllers dealloc methods. And all of them getting called properly on calling popViewControllerAnimated. But only 1 …

iphone uiviewcontroller delegates dealloc
UIViewController & UIview dealloc not getting called

I have a Navigation based view controller and in the view controller i have hidden the top navigation bar and …

uiview delegates ios4 uiviewcontroller dealloc
iOS: How can I destroy a Singleton in ARC? Should I?

I have a singleton class that accumulates data until that data is written to my database (if you want to …

ios singleton automatic-ref-counting dealloc