Top "Automatic-ref-counting" questions

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a compiler feature that provides automatic memory management of Objective-C and Swift objects.

How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?

I am using ARC successfully in my project. However, I have encountered a few files (e.g., in unit tests …

objective-c xcode automatic-ref-counting manual-retain-release
Objective-C ARC: strong vs retain and weak vs assign

There are two new memory management attributes for properties introduced by ARC, strong and weak. Apart from copy, which is …

ios objective-c ios5 properties automatic-ref-counting
performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown

I'm getting the following warning by the ARC compiler: "performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown". Here's …

ios objective-c memory-leaks automatic-ref-counting
Sending an HTTP POST request on iOS

I'm trying to send an HTTP Post with the iOS application that I'm developing but the push never reaches the …

ios objective-c automatic-ref-counting http-post nsurlconnection
Objective-C declared @property attributes (nonatomic, copy, strong, weak)

Can someone explain to me in detail when I must use each attribute: nonatomic, copy, strong, weak, and so on, …

objective-c automatic-ref-counting declared-property
Shall we always use [unowned self] inside closure in Swift

In WWDC 2014 session 403 Intermediate Swift and transcript, there was the following slide The speaker said in that case, if we …

swift automatic-ref-counting
Should IBOutlets be strong or weak under ARC?

I am developing exclusively for iOS 5 using ARC. Should IBOutlets to UIViews (and subclasses) be strong or weak? The following: @…

ios objective-c cocoa-touch interface-builder automatic-ref-counting
Can I use Objective-C blocks as properties?

Is it possible to have blocks as properties using the standard property syntax? Are there any changes for ARC?

ios objective-c automatic-ref-counting objective-c-blocks
Always pass weak reference of self into block in ARC?

I am a little confused about block usage in Objective-C. I currently use ARC and I have quite a lot …

ios iphone objective-c automatic-ref-counting weak-references
How do I implement an Objective-C singleton that is compatible with ARC?

How do I convert (or create) a singleton class that compiles and behaves correctly when using automatic reference counting (ARC) …

objective-c ios singleton automatic-ref-counting