Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a compiler feature that provides automatic memory management of Objective-C and Swift objects.
I want to override the getter and setter in my ObjC class using ARC. .h File @property (retain, nonatomic) Season *…
objective-c ios automatic-ref-counting getter-setterIn ARC enabled code, how to fix a warning about a potential retain cycle, when using a block-based API? The …
cocoa-touch cocoa asihttprequest automatic-ref-counting retainToday, I have update my xCode to 4.2 version, And I want to disable the ARC, I also search with the …
xcode ios5 automatic-ref-countingI need to store weak references to objects in an NSArray, in order to prevent retain cycles. I'm not sure …
objective-c ios5 ios4 automatic-ref-countingIn the Mac and iOS platforms, memory leaks are often caused by unreleased pointers. Traditionally, it has always been of …
ios objective-c macos memory-leaks automatic-ref-countingWhen converting an Objective-C program to a Objective-C ARC, I get the error: "cast of Objective-C pointer type 'NSString *' …
objective-c casting automatic-ref-countingJust want to make sure that I got it right: Do I need to __unsafe_unretain objects that I don't …
objective-c ios macos xcode4 automatic-ref-countingI am trying to understand the correct way of getting an NSString from a CFStringRef in ARC? Same for going …
objective-c nsstring automatic-ref-counting toll-free-bridgingI'd like to store an array of weak references in Swift. The array itself should not be a weak reference …
swift automatic-ref-counting weak-references nspointerarrayLets say we have three objects: a grandparent, parent and child. The grandparent retains the parent, the parent retains the …
ios objective-c memory-management automatic-ref-counting retain-cycle