Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a compiler feature that provides automatic memory management of Objective-C and Swift objects.
How do you remove an observer from an object under ARC? Do we just add the observer and forget about …
ios cocoa-touch key-value-observing automatic-ref-countingI'm new to Xcode 4.2, and I'm not yet fully up to speed on ARC. However, I did read that @autoreleasepool …
xcode xcode4.2 automatic-ref-countingHere is how I used to write a custom retained setter before: - (void)setMyObject:(MyObject *)anObject { [_myObject release], _myObject = …
objective-c properties automatic-ref-countingI want to bring a single Objective-C class written using ARC into an old project. The internet provides many references …
objective-c automatic-ref-countingWe use auto layout constraints selectively, primarily to position labels in relation to editable field elements (UITextView, UITextField, typically). However, …
ios automatic-ref-counting autolayoutI have reqest with block. But the compiler issues a warning "Capturing 'self' strongly in this block is likely to …
ios objective-c automatic-ref-counting objective-c-blocks retain-cycleSo, I have class: @interface Controller : NSObject { UILabel* fileDescription; } @property(strong, nonatomic) UILabel* fileDescription; Do I need use method dealloc …
iphone ios objective-c automatic-ref-countingI've jumped on the ARC bandwagon. In the past I would have my delegate properties declared like this: @property(assign) …
iphone ios ios5 automatic-ref-countingCan someone please explain to me the purpose of having __autoreleasing in the following sample code block? - (void)execute:(…
objective-c automatic-ref-countingI just updated a project to make use of ARC with the Xcode 4.2 built-in conversion tool. Unfortunately there is a …
objective-c automatic-ref-counting xcode4.2