Top "Core-graphics" questions

Core Graphics is Apple's framework for low-level drawing operations on Mac OS X and iOS.

How to convert colors from one color space to another?

Is there a Cocoa Touch way to convert colors from one color space to another? At the end of this …

iphone core-graphics uicolor cgcolor cgcolorspace
UIBezierPath Triangle with rounded edges

I have designed this code to generate a Bezier Path that is used as a path for a CAShapeLayer to …

ios objective-c core-graphics uibezierpath cashapelayer
Cut Out Shape with Animation

I want to do something similar to the following: How to mask an image in IOS sdk? I want to …

ios uikit core-animation core-graphics mask
How to render view into image faster?

I'm making magnifier app, which allows an user touch the screen and move his finger, there will be a magnifier …

ios ios6 uiview core-graphics calayer
Adding a circle mask layer on an UIImageView

I'm building a Photo filter app (like Instagram, Camera+ and many more..), may main screen is a UIImageView that presenting …

ios objective-c core-graphics
How to change a particular color in an image?

My question is if I have a Lion image just I want to change the color of the lion alone …

iphone objective-c image-processing core-graphics pixel
How to use a UIImage as a mask over a color in Objective-C

I have a UIImage that is all black with an alpha channel so some parts are grayish and some parts …

objective-c core-graphics quartz-2d
Getting NSImage from CGImageRef

I am trying process an image in CoreGraphics and then return the processed image back to an NSImage for saving …

macos core-graphics nsimage cgimageref
Drawing a very thin line with CGContextAddLineToPoint and CGContextSetLineWidth

I want to draw a very thin hairline width of a line in my UIView's drawRect method. The line I …

ios ios5 core-graphics ios6 drawrect
CGContextDrawImage is EXTREMELY slow after large UIImage drawn into it

It seems that CGContextDrawImage(CGContextRef, CGRect, CGImageRef) performs MUCH WORSE when drawing a CGImage that was created by CoreGraphics (i.…

ios performance core-graphics cgcontextdrawimage