Top "Cgcontextdrawimage" questions

CGContextDrawImage is available in OSX and iOS which helps to draws an image into a graphics context.

CGContextDrawImage draws image upside down when passed UIImage.CGImage

Does anyone know why CGContextDrawImage would be drawing my image upside down? I am loading an image in from my …

ios cocoa-touch core-graphics cgcontextdrawimage
CGContextDrawImage is EXTREMELY slow after large UIImage drawn into it

It seems that CGContextDrawImage(CGContextRef, CGRect, CGImageRef) performs MUCH WORSE when drawing a CGImage that was created by CoreGraphics (i.…

ios performance core-graphics cgcontextdrawimage
Rotate image using CGContextDrawImage

How can I rotate an image drawn by CGContextDrawImage() at its center? In drawRect: CGContextSaveGState(c); rect = CGRectOffset(rect, -rect.…

ios core-graphics cgcontext cgaffinetransform cgcontextdrawimage
How to use CGContextDrawImage?

I need some help using the CGContextDrawImage. I have the following code which will create a Bitmap context and convert …

quartz-2d cgcontextdrawimage