Top "Nsimage" questions

on Mac OS X, an NSImage object is a high-level class for manipulating image data

How to save a NSImage as a new file

How can I save a NSImage as a new file (png, jpg, ...) in a certain directory?

cocoa image macos file nsimage
Turning an NSImage* into a CGImageRef?

Is there an easy way to do this that works in 10.5? In 10.6 I can use nsImage CGImageForProposedRect: NULL context: NULL …

objective-c cocoa core-graphics nsimage cgimage
How to resize NSImage?

I have an NSBitmapImageRep which is WxH size. I create NSImage and call addRepresentation:. Then I need to resize the …

objective-c macos jpeg nsimage
How to save PNG file from NSImage (retina issues)

I'm doing some operations on images and after I'm done, I want to save the image as PNG on disk. …

macos retina-display image-resizing nsimage nsbitmapimagerep
NSImage to NSData, then to UIImage

I am creating a plist from my OSX app that contains some images. I am writing the image by : [NSKeyedArchiver …

ios macos cocoa uiimage nsimage
Getting NSImage from CGImageRef

I am trying process an image in CoreGraphics and then return the processed image back to an NSImage for saving …

macos core-graphics nsimage cgimageref
Swift NSImage to CGImage

How can I convert a NSImage to CGImage in Swift? In Objective-C I did it like this: - (CGImageRef)CGImage { …

cocoa swift nsimage
Get the correct image width and height of an NSImage

I use the code below to get the width and height of a NSImage: NSImage *image = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[NSString …

objective-c macos cocoa nsimage
Setting an image on NSImageView

I'm having a problem with my program. Basically what i want is, i have 2 nssecuretextfield and i have a button. …

xcode cocoa macos nsimage nsimageview
How to display animated GIF in Objective C on top of the layered View?

I am trying to draw animated gif on my screen in mac OSX app . I used this code to insert …

objective-c macos cocoa animated-gif nsimage