Top "Core-graphics" questions

Core Graphics is Apple's framework for low-level drawing operations on Mac OS X and iOS.

How do I get UIImage from a CGContextRef?

I have a CGContextRef and I did my drawing stuff with the bitmap context. Now, I would like to have …

iphone core-graphics quartz-2d
How use CGImageCreateWithImageInRect for iPhone 4 (HD)?

I use the following code to getting images from the sprite. And it works fine everywhere except the iPhone 4 (HD …

iphone core-graphics iphone-4 high-resolution
Allow horizontal scrolling only in the core-plot barchart?

I am using core-plot lib to draw bar charts in my app like this My problem is that i want …

iphone cocoa-touch core-graphics core-plot bar-chart
What does yellow tinting represent when using "color misaligned images" on iPhone/iOS

so--i switched on "color misaligned images" to improve drawing performance in our app. The documentation states: Puts a magenta overlay …

iphone ios core-animation core-graphics instruments
When drawing an arc using CGContextAddArcToPoint(), what does (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) mean?

You can use the following code to draw an arc using Quartz: CGContextMoveToPoint(context2, x, y); CGContextAddArcToPoint(context2, x1, y1, …

ios core-graphics cgcontext
CATransform3D vs. CGAffineTransform?

Whats the difference between the two? I'm sure they have pros and cons, and situations they are better performers in. …

iphone cocoa cocoa-touch core-animation core-graphics
How to give "locations" to CAGradientLayer

I have created CAGradientLayer having three colors, i need to give each color different locations. Example: Red = 0 to 50 % Yellow = 51 to 80 % …

ios core-graphics linear-gradients cagradientlayer
masking a UIImage

I'm working on an app that can change the borders or a rectangular UIImage. The borders will vary, but will …

cocoa-touch uiimage core-graphics transparent mask
Mac OS X: Convert between NSView coordinates and global screen coordinates

I have the following situation in my multi-monitor setup: In this example I want to position a window exactly at …

macos core-graphics coordinate-systems coordinate-transformation
How can I tint a UIImage with gradient?

I searched everywhere but didn't find the solution. I have image 1. How can I programatically tint them with gradient to …

iphone uiimage core-graphics drawrect tint