Core Graphics is Apple's framework for low-level drawing operations on Mac OS X and iOS.
I am trying to draw dashed line with rounded corners around a view like this: class DashedLineView: UIView { override func …
swift core-graphics uibezierpathI'm working with Mixare AR SDK for iOS and I need to solve some bugs that happends, one of them …
objective-c cocoa-touch uiview core-graphics uieventI am trying to create an app that scales up nicely on the iPhone 4. Currently most of it scales up …
objective-c iphone ios4 core-graphics iphone-4I would like to use a CATiledLayer in iPhone OS 3.1.3 and to do so all drawing in -(void)drawLayer:(…
iphone core-graphics cgcontext catiledlayerI have a CGImageRef and I want to display it on an NSView. I already have an CGImageRef from source …
cocoa core-graphics nsview quartz-2dI have a function that takes some bitmap data and returns a UIImage * from it. It looks something like so: …
iphone uiimage core-graphics quartz-2d core-foundationI have a view with some very complex drawing logic (it's a map view that draws from GIS data). Doing …
ios multithreading uikit core-graphics nsoperationI am trying to draw a CGPath that has a stroke for it's stroke. Basically I want a draw a …
ios objective-c core-graphics quartz-graphics cgpathI need to know how I can scale down or up CGPath so it can fit UIView? Set the background …
ios uiview core-graphics cgpath cashapelayerI have made a quad curve path using the method CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint. I got the path perfectly. But, I want to …
iphone cocoa core-animation core-graphics bezier