Top "Core-foundation" questions

Core Foundation provides the fundamental data types and essential services that underlie both the Cocoa and Carbon environments on Mac OS X.

iOS start Background Thread

I have a small sqlitedb in my iOS device. When a user presses a button, I fetch the data from …

objective-c ios multithreading uikit core-foundation
Generate a UUID on iOS from Swift

In my iOS Swift app I want to generate random UUID (GUID) strings for use as a table key, and …

ios swift cocoa-touch guid core-foundation
Is there a constant for the maximum CGFloat value?

I need to create a CGSize to compute text height of an arbitrary text with arbitrary length. UIKit has this …

objective-c ios foundation core-foundation cgfloat
Testing file existence using NSURL

Snow Leopard introduced many new methods to use NSURL objects to refer to files, not pathnames or Core Services' FSRefs. …

cocoa osx-snow-leopard nsurl core-foundation nsfilemanager
What is NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains?

[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject] I used to know that sending a message to the object is kind of calling …

objective-c core-foundation
How do I create a UIImage from a CGImage in Swift?

I'm trying to create a UIImage from the ALAssetsGroup#posterImage method. In Objective-C, I could simply call [UIImage imageWithCGImage:group.…

ios swift uiimage core-foundation cgimage
Is there a method to generate a standard 128bit GUID (UUID) on the Mac?

Is there a built in function equivalent to .NET's Guid.NewGuid(); in Cocoa? My desire is to produce a string …

cocoa macos guid uuid core-foundation
Converting plist to binary plist

Apple strongly recommends using the binary plist format when reading large XML-based data sets into iPhone apps. Among their reasoning …

objective-c iphone cocoa-touch plist core-foundation
Getting "global" mouse position in Mac OS X

How can I get in Mac OS X "global" mouse position - I mean how can I in cocoa/cf/…

cocoa macos core-foundation
What is an NSCFDictionary?

I'm getting an NSCFDictionary returned to me and I can't figure out how to use it. I know it's of …

objective-c cocoa nsdictionary core-foundation