Top "Bouncycastle" questions

Bouncy Castle is a cryptography API providing various cryptography, encryption, and security protocols.

Hash String via SHA-256 in Java

By looking around here as well as the internet in general, I have found Bouncy Castle. I want to use …

java bouncycastle sha256 jce
How to export non-exportable private key from store

I need to export private key from Windows store. What should I do if the key is marked as non-exportable? …

.net encryption bouncycastle rsacryptoserviceprovider
How can I sign a file using RSA and SHA256 with .NET?

My application will take a set of files and sign them. (I'm not trying to sign an assembly.) There is …

c# .net cryptography openssl bouncycastle
iText/BouncyCastle ClassNotFound org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEREncodable and org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampTokenInfo

I'm trying to use iText Java. When you run the example "how to sign" the following error occurs: Caused by: …

java exception cryptography itext bouncycastle
Correct way to sign and verify signature using bouncycastle

I am using bcmail-jdk16-1.46.jar and bcprov-jdk16-1.46.jar (Bouncycastle libraries) to sign a string and then verify the …

java encryption cryptography digital-signature bouncycastle
Generate a self-signed certificate on the fly

I searched around, but I didn't find a clear example. I want to create a self-signed (self-)trusted certificate programmatically (…

c# .net ssl-certificate x509certificate bouncycastle
How to load public certificate from pem file?

I was trying to extract RES public key from the file below -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIGwTCCBamgAwIBAgIQDlV4zznmQiVeF45Ipc0k7DANBgkqhkiG9w0…

java ssl cryptography bouncycastle public-key
bouncycastle provider can't find classes needed for algorithm

I'm trying to use bouncycastle to encrypt a file using a public key. I've registered the provider programatically: Security.addProvider(…

java bouncycastle classnotfoundexception
256bit AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding with Bouncy Castle

I am having trouble mapping the following JDK JCE encryption code to Bouncy Castles Light-weight API: public String dec(String …

java cryptography bouncycastle aes
An example of encrypting an xml file in Java using bouncy castle

Can anyone show me (or provide a link to) an example of how to encrypt a file in Java using …

java encryption bouncycastle