Top "Bouncycastle" questions

Bouncy Castle is a cryptography API providing various cryptography, encryption, and security protocols.

SecurityException with Bouncy Castle

I am on Mac OS and getting this issue after performing software update on my mac. Caused by: java.lang.…

java macos encryption bouncycastle jasypt
Bouncycastle: X509CertificateHolder to X509Certificate?

In versions prior to r146 it was possible to create X509Certificate objects directly. Now that API is deprecated and …

certificate deprecated bouncycastle x509
KeyStore with BouncyCastleProvider: KeyStore integrity check failed

I want to use a self-signed signature for ssl connections. I'm following this post. My problem: After creating the Keystore …

java ssl bouncycastle keystore
BouncyCastle PrivateKey To X509Certificate2 PrivateKey

I create a certificate using BouncyCastle var keypairgen = new RsaKeyPairGenerator(); keypairgen.Init(new KeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(new CryptoApiRandomGenerator()), 1024)); var keypair = …

c# .net cryptography x509certificate bouncycastle
How can I get a PublicKey object from EC public key bytes?

I am developing an application that needs to validate SHA256withECDSAsignatures with the help of secp256r1 (NIST P-256, P-256, …

java cryptography bouncycastle
How to generate x.509 certificate by the Java keytool command-line interface

I am using RESTEasy encryption. For that I have to generate x.509 certificate by the Java 'keytool' command-line interface. Please …

java resteasy bouncycastle
iText / BouncyCastle throws "java.lang.VerifyError: class overrides final method equals"

We have an application that creates PDFs unsing jasperreports. It also manipulates said PDFs using iText after they have been …

pdf-generation itext bouncycastle
Generating X509 Certificate using Bouncy Castle Java

I am looking for an example or tutorial to generate X509 Certificates using BC in Java. A lot of example …

java cryptography x509certificate bouncycastle
Java Diffie-Hellman key exchange

I'm trying to execute code to perform the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. I sourced the code from an example online (forget …

java bouncycastle diffie-hellman
Bouncy Castle C# PGP Decryption example

I have been looking all day yesterday, and I can't seem to find a working example of PGP decryption using …

c# encryption bouncycastle pgp