Top "Jasypt" questions

Jasypt is a Java-based encryption library, designed for ease of use with minimum necessary knowledge of how cryptography works.

org.jasypt.exceptions.EncryptionOperationNotPossibleException in Tomcat

I'm using the Jasypt encryption library to encrypt/decrypt some text. This code is embedded in a WAR file and …

java tomcat jasypt
How to find out what algorithm [ encryption ] are supported by my JVM?

I am using Jasypt for encryption. This is my code: public class Encryptor { private final static StandardPBEStringEncryptor pbeEncryptor = new StandardPBEStringEncryptor(); …

java encryption jvm jasypt
Password encryption with Spring/Hibernate - Jasypt or something else?

In a Java application stack with Spring & Hibernate (JPA) in the Data Access Layer, what are good methods of …

java hibernate jpa password-encryption jasypt

I am using Jasypt-1.9.0 with Spring 3.1 and Hibernate 4.0.1. I have a requirement in my application to connect to database whose …

spring hibernate password-encryption jasypt
EncryptionOperationNotPossibleException by Jasypt with Bouncy Castle

I try to use Jasypt with Bouncy Castle crypro provides (128Bit AES) in a Spring Application to decrypt entity properties …

java spring hibernate bouncycastle jasypt
Decrypt using Jasypt

How to decrypt the encrypted password using Jasypt library? package; import org.jasypt.util.password.…

java encryption windows-8 java-7 jasypt
SecurityException with Bouncy Castle

I am on Mac OS and getting this issue after performing software update on my mac. Caused by: java.lang.…

java macos encryption bouncycastle jasypt
Using encrypted password for database connection in spring boot web application

This might be already answered or asked by some one else already, but I am not able to find one …

java spring-boot spring-mvc jasypt
Command line Jasypt client encryption 'Operation not possible'

I am using Jasypt to store our database passwords in our hibernate config file in non-clear-text format. Eg instead of &…

java encryption jasypt
Getting error org.jasypt.exceptions.EncryptionInitializationException: Password not set for Password Based Encryptor

I am using jasypt-1.9.0 for encryption. jdbc.driverClassName=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:…

java jasypt