Top "Bouncycastle" questions

Bouncy Castle is a cryptography API providing various cryptography, encryption, and security protocols.

AES-GCM with BouncyCastle throws "mac check in GCM failed" when used with IV

I'm relatively new to developing something with encryption. Right now I'm trying to write a class which encrypts and decrypts …

java encryption bouncycastle initialization-vector aes-gcm
Using BouncyCastle for a simple HTTPS query

Here's a simplified version of the code I'm using to perform simple HTTPS requests: // Assume the variables host, file and …

java ssl https bouncycastle jce
iText and org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive not found

I'm a newbie on iText. This is my first project using this library. I'm building a PDF with essentially a …

itext bouncycastle classnotfound
PartialInputStream during Bouncycastle PGP decryption

I am tryng to decrypt a file I just encrypted using bouncycastle, but im getting this exception: Premature end of …

c# bouncycastle pgp
Need example for BouncyCastle PGP File encryption in C#

I'm trying to encrypt files using my private key (in ascii format) and any other public key (also in ascii …

c# .net bouncycastle pgp
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider

I am facing issue in configuring Bouncy Castle with my websphere. I am working on pdf document signature and it …

java bouncycastle websphere-8
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied when using wss4j

I have many tests which access our Oracle DB without a problem, however when I run these tests along with …

java jdbc oracle11g bouncycastle ora-01017
Android RSA Keypair Generation - Should I use Standard Java/Bouncy Castle/Spongy Castle/JSch/Other?

I've been looking around for about a week+ to implement a method I have in mind. I have came across (…

java android security rsa bouncycastle
Verifying PKCS#7 certificates in Java

Need some help with crypto routines in Java. Given a PKCS#7 signature, I want to verify all certificates it contains …

java certificate bouncycastle pkcs#7
Convert a PKCS#8 private key to PEM in java

Hello everyone I'm trying to convert a PKCS#8 private key that I generate in my java program to a PEM …

java encryption ssl bouncycastle pem