Top "Bouncycastle" questions

Bouncy Castle is a cryptography API providing various cryptography, encryption, and security protocols.

Read an encrypted private key with bouncycastle/spongycastle

I have a password protected, encrypted RSA private key, which was created with PyCrypto (2.6.1) and has according to their docs …

java rsa bouncycastle pem pkcs#8
Encrypt string with Bouncy Castle AES/CBC/PKCS7

I have been looking everywhere for some sample code on how to encrypt a simple string with the encryption in …

c# encryption windows-phone-8.1 windows-8.1 bouncycastle
Bouncy Castle, RSA: transforming keys into a String format

I'm using RSA (Bouncy Castle API) in my C# project. I generated the keypair with this method: RsaKeyPairGenerator r = new …

c# rsa bouncycastle
PBKDF2 with bouncycastle in Java

I'm trying to securely store a password in a database and for that I chose to store its hash generated …

java bouncycastle jce pbkdf2
BouncyCastle RSAPrivateKey to .NET RSAPrivateKey

I'm creating a certificate distribution system to keep track of clients and stuff. What happens is: Client send CSR to …

.net cryptography rsa bouncycastle csr
Saving certificate chain in a pkcs12 keystore

The following code: //used Bouncy Castle provider for keyStore keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, (Key)keyPair.getPrivate(), pwd, certChain); where certChain holds …

java security ssl bouncycastle digital-certificate
Elliptic Curve with Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) implementation on BouncyCastle

I am trying to implement ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) but I couldn't find any examples in Java which …

java cryptography bouncycastle
Generating X509Certificate using bouncycastle X509v3CertificateBuilder

I'm attempting to port JXTA to run on App Engine. Given that the BouncyCastle "BC" provider is not yet supported …

google-app-engine x509certificate bouncycastle x509 jxta
How to decrypt a signed pgp encrypted file?

How can I decrypt and verify a file encrypted with PGP with the BouncyCastle Java API?

java cryptography bouncycastle encryption pgp
Trouble integrating BouncyCastle Jar

Okay, I'll say now that I know very little about Java. I was given the Bouncy Castle Jar and told …

java jar bouncycastle