Top "Bouncycastle" questions

Bouncy Castle is a cryptography API providing various cryptography, encryption, and security protocols.

How to encrypt a string/stream with bouncycastle pgp without starting with a file

I need to encrypt a stream with pgp using the bouncycastle provider. All of the examples I can find are …

java bouncycastle pgp
Reading pkcs12 certificate information

I have a problem with reading certificate information. I want to read full information using java with bouncycastle library in …

java bouncycastle jce pkcs#12
Encrypt/Decrypt using Bouncy Castle in C#

I am using the "BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll" for encrypt/decrypt a string in my app. I am using the following …

c# bouncycastle
How can I create an SHA512 digest string in Java using bouncy castle?

This unit test is failing: public void testDigest() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { String hashExpected = "150a14ed5bea6cc731cf86c41566ac427a8…

java hash bouncycastle sha512
AES encrypt/decrypt with Bouncy Castle provider

Here is my implementation of a AES 256 encrypt and decrypt, developed with the native library of JDK 5: public static String …

java cryptography aes bouncycastle
"The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized" error when authenticating as server with certificate generated using BouncyCastle

I'm trying to create a certificate using the BouncyCastle.Crypto dll, which is then used to authenticate a SslStream as …

c# security ssl certificate bouncycastle
AES PKCS7 padding

I just start learning Bouncy Castle for AES encryption/decryption. I am using AES/CBC/PKCS7PADDING with 256-bit key. …

encryption cryptography aes bouncycastle pkcs#7
Get Private Key from BouncyCastle X509 Certificate? C#

Normally when I grab an X509Certificate2 out of my keystore I can call .PrivateKey to retrieve the cert's private …

c# x509certificate bouncycastle private-key
How to generate a RSA keyPair with a Privatekey encrypted with password?

I want to generate a privatekey PKCS8 format encrypted with password, and I try with this code: String password = "123456"; KeyPairGenerator …

java openssl bouncycastle private-key
Difference between SHA256withRSA and SHA256 then RSA

What is the difference between compute a signature with the following two methods? Compute a signature with Signature.getInstance("SHA256…

java rsa digital-signature bouncycastle