Top "Application-pool" questions

Application pools allow you to isolate your applications from one another, even if they are running on the same server.

IIS App Pools - Stop/Start vs Recycle

I've noticed that on one of my production web apps, when I manually recycle an app pool, the recycled worker …

iis application-pool worker-process recycle
Why does my IIS7 application pool shutdown after an exception in a DLL called from an ASP.NET page?

I've read the posts ASP.NET application pool shutdown problem and IIS 7.5: problem with Application pool but they didn't answer …

exception iis-7 application-pool
IIS 7.0 gives 503 error and stops the application pool

When I start the application pool, and request a page in an application in that pool, I get a "HTTP … iis iis-7 application-pool event-viewer
IIS 7.5: problem with Application pool

several time in day my Application pool is stopped with following error: Application pool 'MyApplicationPool' is being automatically disabled due …

iis-7 application-pool
Change .NET Framework version of application pool to 3.5?

I've installed .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 on web server (Server 2008 Enterprise), so running IIS 7.0. I want to change the version of .…

.net-3.5 iis-7 application-pool
User rights needed for IIS 7.5 application pool user (domain user, not the AppPoolIdentity)

We have an active directory domain (let's call it foodomain) and a domain user account (foodomain\fooAppPoolUser) used for the …

configuration iis-7.5 application-pool windowsdomainaccount
ASP.NET/IIS7.5 Writing Log File Not Working (Permissions, UAC, Config., ???)

We're having trouble migrating our ASP.NET applications to Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 and IIS7.5. The problem is that our … permissions iis-7.5 uac application-pool
Difference between an application domain and an application pool?

What is difference between application domain and application pool? I have read many articles regarding these two terminology. but still … application-pool applicationdomain
Create an application pool that uses .NET 4.0

I use the following code to create a app pool: var metabasePath = string.Format(@"IIS://{0}/W3SVC/AppPools", serverName); DirectoryEntry …

c# iis-7 directoryservices application-pool
Create SQL Server Login for IIS APPPOOL - IIS and SQL Server on different machines

I've searched thoroughly- apologies in advance if I am missing an obvious answer. Followed the recommendations at link below and … sql-server iis-7.5 application-pool