ASP.NET/IIS7.5 Writing Log File Not Working (Permissions, UAC, Config., ???)

lmttag picture lmttag · May 13, 2011 · Viewed 28.3k times · Source

We're having trouble migrating our ASP.NET applications to Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 and IIS7.5. The problem is that our ASP.NET apps write log files, and these log files are not being written. The only way the apps write their log files is if I'm logged into the server as the local Administrator user or if I right click and run IE as Run as Administrator, neither of which is an acceptable solution for us.

Our platform is: Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 (UAC setting is the default setting) IIS7.5 ASP.NET 4.0 (using Windows authentication and impersonation, both on in web.config)

Our app gets installed to: D:[appname] [appnameWebSite] (all the .aspx, .dll, etc. files are in here) \Log (the app tries to write the log file to this folder)

On the server: Created new App Pool (name: [appname], .NET 4.0, Managed Pipeline Mode: Classic, Identity: ApplicationPoolIdentity, Load User Profile: False, all other properties are the defaults) Created IIS application pointing to D:[appname][appnameWebSite] and added it the the new App Pool (Full trust level) Have a domain user in local Administrators group

With all the configuration and default settings listed above, the ASP.NET app will not write the log file. The app appears to work fine in the browser, but no log.txt file.

To try to "fix" this issues, we've tried many things: Tried Application Pool setting: Managed Pipeline Mode: Integrated Tried Application Pool setting: Identity: NetworkService Tried Application Pool setting: Identity: LocalSystem Tried Application Pool setting: Load User Profile: True Gave Users group full control to file system for our application folder structure (tried appname folder, tried Log folder only, tried appnameWebSite and Log folders only) Gave IIS AppPool[appname] (matching the new App Pool) user full control to file system for our application folder structure (tried appname folder, tried Log folder only, tried appnameWebSite and Log folders only)

None of these things helped. Again, the app would run fine, just no log file created.

As mentioned above, the only way that the log file is created when the app runs is if we log into the server using the local Administrator account (which makes sense since he's a super user) or if we run IE as administrator and elevate privileges.

Any suggestions? Help? Questions?



Oran Dennison picture Oran Dennison · May 7, 2015

I tried granting every permission possible and still wasn't getting any log files. Finally I came across this which suggested changing the ownership of my logfiles directory. I checked, and the directory ownership was set to SYSTEM. I changed it to Administrators and applied the change recursively. I bounced IIS, hit a webpage from the site in the browser, and now I have log files. Hooray!

Note: the thing that tipped me off was checking the System event log. I was getting 15006 errors saying "Owner of the log file or directory C:\inetpub\logfiles\W3SVC1\some.log is invalid. This could be because another user has already created the log file or the directory."