Top "Application-pool" questions

Application pools allow you to isolate your applications from one another, even if they are running on the same server.

Use PowerShell to Create AppPool does not set AppPool Identity

I am attempting to use PowerShell to create an Application Pool in IIS. After searching the web, I created the …

windows iis powershell application-pool
Set Application Pool for package using MSDeploy

I am deploying a website using MSDeploy so using something like the below code. "%ProgramFiles%\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy\msdeploy.…

iis-7 msdeploy application-pool
Application Pool shutting down

Whenever I try to launch a site in the 4.0 App Pool shuts down immediately (if it ever started) an leaves …

iis application-pool
IIS HTTP Error 500: The requested Page cannot be accessed because related configuration data is invalid

I have successfully published an ASP.NET Core website on IIS (version 10) on my local machine (Windows 10) and browsed it. … iis application-pool http-error
What is best practice in IIS? One application pool for each application, or a shared application pool?

In IIS 7, what is best practice? Should I create an application pool for each application, or should I share an …

iis-7 application-pool
How to get Application Pool name through code (C#,

I want to recycle the application pool through my application. Previously I was storing the application pool name in my …

c# iis application-pool
AppPool shuts itself down

This is an issue I've had twice now over a couple of months. Basically I've gotten a call saying our … iis iis-7.5 application-pool w3wp.exe
ASP.NET application pool shutdown problem

Sometimes an exception causes application pool to shutdown. I start it manually but the question is how can I automate …

exception iis-7 restart application-pool
How do you force the IIS Application Pool to restart whenever the App Domain is reloaded?

We have an ASP.NET MVC 4 application that links to legacy native code. The problem is that this legacy code … iis appdomain application-pool
Stop IIS 7.5 Application Pool Recycling

How do stop application pools from recycling in IIS 7.5? I have configured the following settings: ProcessModel -> Idle Time-out (…

iis iis-7.5 application-pool recycle