Top "Application-pool" questions

Application pools allow you to isolate your applications from one another, even if they are running on the same server.

How often should we recycle application pool?

How often should we recycle application pool ? Someone told me that I should recycle the application pool every 24 hours ? Why …

iis application-pool
Getting IIS application pool recycle events to be logged in the Windows Event Log

I am trying to get IIS 7 application pool recycle, start, stop, etc. events to be logged to the Windows Event …

iis logging iis-7 event-log application-pool
How to rename application pool that already has application assigned to it?

I have an Application pool that has a lot of applications been assigned to it, it won't let me rename. …

iis application-pool
How do I control the AppPool used for deploy through VS & MSDeploy settings

When I build a deploy package for my webapp the package contains an archive.xml file that contains the following: &…

visual-studio msdeploy application-pool
Detecting when an ASP.NET application recycles

I'm trying to detect when an ASP.NET application is recycling due to either the web.config file being modified …

c# iis application-pool
IIS 7.5 application pool uses wrong %APPDATA% for custom user as identity

I want my MVC3 web application to access %APPDATA% (e.g. C:\Users\MyUsername\AppData\Roaming on Windows 7) because I …

iis iis-7.5 application-pool appdata applicationpoolidentity
Should I set ASP.NET application pool to auto-recycle?

I have a number of ASP.NET (4.0) web applications that appear to leak (a small amount) of memory during each … iis-7 application-pool recycle
Stopping/starting an application pool and site on a server

I would like to write a script and run it from my local PC to stop and start an application …

cmd server web application-pool
How do I crash the App Pool?

Our ASP.NET 2 web application handles exceptions very elegantly. We catch exceptions in Global ASAX in Application_Error. From there … application-pool
AutoStart/Pre-warm features not working in IIS 7.5 / WCF service

For testing the many headaches of IIS/WCF implementation from scratch, I built the HelloWorld service and client walked through (…

wcf configuration iis-7.5 application-pool autostart