Top "Application-pool" questions

Application pools allow you to isolate your applications from one another, even if they are running on the same server.

How do I set the .NET Framework Version when using New-WebAppPool?

I'm looking to see how I can use the IIS PowerShell Cmdlet New-WebAppPool to specify the version of the .NET …

windows iis powershell application-pool .net-framework-version
Worker process recycles because it reached its virtual memory limit

We host a rather large (self written) ASP.NET website for our customers. It consists of a web service, a …

.net iis-6 application-pool
RSACryptoServiceProvider CryptographicException System Cannot Find the File Specified under ASP.NET

I have an application which is making use of the RSACryptoServiceProvider to decrypt some data using a known private key (…

.net cryptography application-pool
How to keep ASP.NET assemblies in AppDomain alive?

Scenario: I've an n-Tier enterprise ASP.NET application deployed using Web Deployment Projects. All tiers produce independent assemblies that is … iis assemblies appdomain application-pool
IIS 8.5: Virtual Account for App Pool (IIS AppPool\{Application Pool Name} is not available

I am running IIS 8.5 on a Windows 2012 R2 Core box. I created a new application pool called "MyNewAppPool". I have …

iis windows-server-2012 application-pool windows-server-2012-r2 iis-8.5
Config Error Failed to decrypt attribute 'password'

Module IIS Web Core Notification Unknown Handler Not yet determined Error Code 0x8007000d Config Error Failed to decrypt attribute …

iis encryption config application-pool
Worker process reached its allowed processing time

We are experiencing this issue approximately once a month. It is very hard to pinpoint the cause so any help …

iis-6 worker-process application-pool
Why Even Recycle an Application Pool?

Maybe someone can shed some light on this simple question: I have a .NET web application that has been thoroughly …

iis web-applications webserver application-pool recycle
IIS7: Faulting application w3wp.exe, what is the root cause of these crashes?

Our Website is in .NET but with some old ASP and 32bits libraries too in it. It had been working …

iis iis-7 application-pool w3wp
Why is my IIS 7 refusing to serve up css or js when I change 'Enable 32-Bit Applications' to False

I have a very simple web application ( MVC3, .net 4, using IIS not Visual Studio's embedded server, 64-bit Windows 7). … iis iis-7 application-pool