Top "Event-viewer" questions

Event Viewer - tool in Windows systems that allows users to inspect the event logs.

Eventviewer eventid for lock and unlock

What is the event id in Event Viewer for lock, unlock for a computer in Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista …

windows event-viewer
Where are archived evtx files stored?

I know that you can view any evtx files in the event viewer but when you use the option to …

logging event-viewer
IIS 7.0 gives 503 error and stops the application pool

When I start the application pool, and request a page in an application in that pool, I get a "HTTP … iis iis-7 application-pool event-viewer
How can i export my event logs to a folder (csv or txt) on every start up automatically?

I was looking for either a batch file, powerscript (not really good with yet)or any way to have my …

batch-file export-to-csv crash-reports event-viewer
Writing to event log in C# - do I need to use EventLog.CreateEventSource when writing to Application log?

When I use the following code to write to Application Event log, everything works fine: EventLog log = new EventLog(); log.…

c# event-viewer event-log
Windows Service cannot create a text file

Ok so this is my code for the OnStart method File.CreateText("test.txt"); StreamWriter write = File.AppendText("test.txt"); …

c# .net windows-services event-viewer
Xampp - Apache Shuts Down Unexpectedly, Empty Log File And No Events

I have XAMPP installed on my machine. I am trying to run Apache from the XAMPP Control Panel. I start …

apache xampp logfile controlpanel event-viewer
log4net doesn't log in Windows Event Viewer

I would like to log in the Windows Event Viewer using log4net. I created a Console Application (.NET Framework 4), …

c# log4net event-log event-viewer
Time when Windows 7 was started/booted

I want to check the operating system's start time. That is, for the last one month, the times when Windows …

windows windows-7 event-viewer
Writing messages to Application Event Log

I am running into an issue writing events to the Windows Event Log. I have looked through the posts and …

c# event-viewer