Top "Angularjs-routing" questions

Use for ngRoute, the built-in routing module in AngularJS, which can map the browser URL to a defined route.

Unknown provider: $routeParamsProvider <- $routeParams

I am currently learning AngularJS & Ionic by creating a simple podcast app. I am trying to use routeParams to …

javascript angularjs routing angular-ui-router angularjs-routing
Debug route provided to routeProvider

I am new to AngularJS and am attempting to debug some of my routes but I don't know how to …

angularjs angularjs-routing
AngularJS : How to use $state.go to pass querystring in nested state routing

How can I use $state.go to pass a query string into nested state routing? Code: .state('masterform', { url: "/masterform?…

Angular's "controllerAs" not working in routeProvider

I am trying to use the controllerAs property on a $routeProvider route without any success. Here is the sample code: …

angularjs angularjs-routing
Toggle visibility of a ng-include depending on route

I have the following configuration: $routeProvider .when('/cars', { templateUrl: 'app/cars/index.html', controller: 'CarsCtrl', reloadOnSearch: false }) .when('/…

javascript angularjs angularjs-routing
Angular - different route, same template/controller,different loading method

I want to use routes, but I always want to use same template & controller. I have routes like this: **…

angularjs routing angularjs-routing
ui-router Why parent states must be abstract

Why parent views have to be abstract in order to have child views (nested views) rendered? $stateProvider .state('A', {url: …

angularjs angularjs-routing
Redirect after user has logged in

I'm pretty new to Angular, and right now I'm just trying to get all my routes set up and working …

redirect login angularjs angularjs-routing angularjs-authentication
AngularJS: Resolve in RouteProvider - detecting Success / Failure?

I have got a resolve working on my routeprovider but I just return the promise so i don't know if …

angularjs angularjs-routing
Simple Angular $routeProvider resolve test. What is wrong with this code?

I have created a simple Angular JS $routeProvider resolve test application. It gives the following error: Error: Unknown provider: dataProvider &…

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-service angularjs-routing angularjs-controller