Top "Angularjs-controller" questions

The AngularJS controller exposes the data that is to be displayed into the HTML view.

How do I use $rootScope in Angular to store variables?

How do I use $rootScope to store variables in a controller I want to later access in another controller? For …

angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-controller rootscope
AngularJS: How can I pass variables between controllers?

I have two Angular controllers: function Ctrl1($scope) { $scope.prop1 = "First"; } function Ctrl2($scope) { $scope.prop2 = "Second"; $scope.both = Ctrl1.…

javascript angularjs angularjs-controller
Check if value exists in the array (AngularJS)

Currently I'm using the forEach()-method of angular to check the new value with the array of objects. But that's …

javascript arrays angularjs object angularjs-controller
How do I inject a controller into another controller in AngularJS

I'm new to Angular and trying to figure out how to do things... Using AngularJS, how can I inject a …

angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-controller
Error: [ng:areq] from angular controller

This is a long shot, but has anyone seen this error before? I am trying to add 'Transporters' using express, …

javascript angularjs angularjs-controller mean-stack
Using $setValidity inside a Controller

I am trying to do some validation on file change. Here is my code: View/Template <input type="file" …

javascript angularjs angularjs-controller angularjs-forms
AngularJS : The correct way of binding to a service properties

I’m looking for the best practice of how to bind to a service property in AngularJS. I have worked …

angularjs data-binding angularjs-service angularjs-controller
Can an AngularJS controller inherit from another controller in the same module?

Within a module, a controller can inherit properties from an outside controller: var app = angular.module('angularjs-starter', []); var ParentCtrl = function ($…

angularjs inheritance angularjs-controller
Update parent scope variable in AngularJS

I have two controllers, one wrapped within another. Now I know the child scope inherits properties from the parent scope …

javascript angularjs angularjs-scope prototype angularjs-controller
AngularJS passing data to bootstrap modal

I think I'm missing something but cannot figure what. Basically I'm trying to pass an object to the modal like …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap angular-ui bootstrap-modal angularjs-controller