Top "Angularjs-scope" questions

In AngularJS, a scope is an object that refers to the application model.

How do I use $scope.$watch and $scope.$apply in AngularJS?

I don't understand how to use $scope.$watch and $scope.$apply. The official documentation isn't helpful. What I don't understand …

angularjs angularjs-scope
How do I access the $scope variable in browser's console using AngularJS?

I would like to access my $scope variable in Chrome's JavaScript console. How do I do that? I can neither …

angularjs angularjs-scope
What is the difference between '@' and '=' in directive scope in AngularJS?

I've read the AngularJS documentation on the topic carefully, and then fiddled around with a directive. Here's the fiddle. And …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope isolated-scope
AngularJS access parent scope from child controller

I've set up my controllers using data-ng-controller="xyzController as vm" I have a scenario with parent / child nested controllers. I …

angularjs angularjs-scope
AngularJS : Prevent error $digest already in progress when calling $scope.$apply()

I'm finding that I need to update my page to my scope manually more and more since building an application …

angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-digest
AngularJs: Reload page

<a ng-href="#" class="navbar-brand" title="home" data-translate>PORTAL_NAME</a> I want to reload the page. …

angularjs angularjs-scope
How to set the id attribute of a HTML element dynamically with angularjs (1.x)?

Provided an HTML element of type div, how to set the value of its id attribute, which is the concatenation …

javascript angularjs angularjs-scope string-concatenation
How do I use $rootScope in Angular to store variables?

How do I use $rootScope to store variables in a controller I want to later access in another controller? For …

angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-controller rootscope
Get value when selected ng-option changes

I have in my .html page a dropdown list, Dropdown: <select ng-model="blisterPackTemplateSelected" data-ng-options="blisterPackTemplate as for …

angularjs angularjs-scope
Checking if object is empty, works with ng-show but not from controller?

I have a JS object declared like so $scope.items = {}; I also have a $http request that fills this object …

angularjs angularjs-scope