Top "Angularjs-scope" questions

In AngularJS, a scope is an object that refers to the application model.

AngularJS access controller $scope from outside

var theApp = angular.module('theApp', []); var app = angular.module('theApp', ['ui.bootstrap']); app.controller('MenuSideController', ['$scope','SnazzyService','$modal',…

angularjs angularjs-scope
Scope issues with Angular UI modal

I'm having trouble understanding/using the scopes for an angular UI modal. While not immediately apparent here, I have the …

javascript angularjs scope modal-dialog angularjs-scope
AngularJS: scope of ng-init

What is the scope of ng-init in Angular? Here's a simple example that demonstrates my question: <div ng-init="model = { …

angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-init
AngularJS conditional ng-disabled does not re-enable

Given a conditionally disabled text input field using ng-disabled="truthy_scope_variable", AngularJS disables the field the first time the …

javascript angularjs angularjs-scope
Passing current scope to an AngularJS Service

Is it correct to pass the "current" $scope to an AngularJS service? I'm in the situation where I've a $service …

angularjs data-binding angularjs-scope angular-services
How to call another scope function in AngularJS

In AngularJS, I have 2 scope function in the controller, $scope.fn1 = function(){ //do something A }; $scope.fn2 = function(){ //do something …

AngularJS ngRepeat element removal

There are quite a few questions on how to implement item removal inside ngRepeat directive, and as I figured out, …

javascript angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope
How do I ignore the initial load when watching model changes in AngularJS?

I have a web page that serves as the editor for a single entity, which sits as a deep graph …

angularjs angularjs-scope
AngularJS : ng-repeat filter when value is greater than

I have a simple ng-repeat that throws out data, one of fields it displays is NumberOfStamps: <tr ng-repeat-start="list …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-repeat
AngularJS directive dynamic templates

I'm trying to make directive with differtent templates based on scope value. This is what i done so far which …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope